Sunday, August 3, 2008


Reality is starting to set in after a wonderful 2 weeks in Hawaii. But all good things must come to an end, right?! I can't wait to tell you about all the adventures...but first, I need to give a disclaimer! I am trying a new posting method so my photos are larger in the blog. So that is the reason for the new facelift on the more pretty template for now, but I'm hoping some rockin' photos will replace the need for that! I'm tired of the photos being so tiny on the web! So let's give this a try! I'm not even sure at this point if I can put the photos with what I'm talking about, so let's give this a try!

As many of you know, my husband just came home from a 14 month this was a well deserved vacation! And if you've ever been to Hawaii, you know that your worries feel so far removed when you are there...there is not a care in the world when you are breathing in that tropical air (it literally smells different...I swear)!

The trip started off on a downer-note for my 4 year old. She left her precious luv-E on the plane. I even went to the airport to file a claim for the poor kid! So if you are on any NWA flights, please go to the VERY LAST ROW of the plane and look for a little stuffed elephant pinned between the seat and window! We checked at lost luggage in Honolulu and Seattle when we returned, but no luck. It looks like Ellie has now decided to travel the world. Now I know most of you think this is probably not a big deal, but the fact of the matter is, when my daughter sees airplanes flying in the sky she gets all choked up because my youngest blurts out, "There goes Ellie!" It is very tragic! However, here are a couple of shots from the of my oldest during happier times!

One of the things we did while in Oahu was climb Diamondhead (think volcano)! And it occured to me when we got on the plane to come home that this was one of the few pics we have of me over there...I guess that is what happens when you are a photog. But here is one of the few I have, so I thought I would post it for you. Which is very kind considering this is a photo taken after hiking to the top! It would have been nicer if I was looking nice and refreshed at the bottom, right?! Anyways, the stairs was part of the "hike" to the top. It actually wasn't too bad, but is always fun to be a bit dramatic! So anyways, the view was worth it at the top...and we got a reward of a rainbow at the top as well! Check this out! (These three were taking with the point and shoot...there was no way I was lugging camera equipment to the top)!

This first pic is a little bit of "where is waldo"...I'm up there somewhere!

And the last is just a mix-mash of pics from the rest of the trip. The underwater pic is of a submarine ride I took M.P. on. I love sea turtles...and I got to swim with them again when we went snorkeling! That is my favorite thing to do over there. And yes, there were a couple shark sightings...once on the submarine ride (a white-tip) and when snorkeling, the husband claims to have seen a hammerhead~the scary part is apparently it was right in the shallow area with us while I was busy adjusting my mask. Maybe it is a good thing I didn't see it, because I'm sure if I tried running away with my big goofy flippers on, I would have attracted the shark even more to me!

Anyways, enjoy the rest of the pics...and yes, I am back in full swing. However, we are preparing for a move that is in a month...ALABAMA, HERE WE COME!!!

This black and white is of the girls taking hula lessons...

And yes, the youngest even celebrated her 3rd birthday in Hawaii...hope she remembers when she gets older!!

Until next time...
m :)


Anonymous said...

I love the larger photos!... and I'm quite jealous of your vacation. Hawaii (Kauai specifically) is mine and my wife's favorite place on the planet.

Your kiddos are adorable. Thanks for sharing a few shots from your vacation.

(PS. on our honeymoon my wife and I tried to leisurely hike to the top of Diamond Head... yeah, we weren't prepared and gave up about 3/4's of the way up)

Josh said...

The new bigger pics look great! Your kids are so adorable, and if you are ever in/near Kansas City, I'd love to take some family pics for you:)

Have a safe move...and I'll keep my eye out for Ellie, but we fly Southwest:(

erinlitteral said...

We fly United to Kauai at the end of the month.. I can't wait for Hawaii!! Your pictures are gettting me excited. Wish you were with us to take some. Love to you all!!

Anonymous said...

What fun pictures! That is so sad about Ellie!!! I have the same picture of hubby and I at the top of Diamond Head!!!!

Trina Scanapico said...

Awwww! That gave me Hawaii fever! I'm so glad you had a good time on your trip! Your girls are absolutely beautiful! Sorry to hear about the missing heartbreaking!

Mom on the Move! said...

Poor little one! I can totally understand that tragedy! We have multiple lovies in reserve until Daddy came home and let the secret out accidentally... now Boogie sleeps with two Scouts. And I think she would try to add in travel-Scout (slightly smaller version) if she could.

jlowe said...

Holy awesome vacation girl! That is awesomw! I don't know if I'll ever get to Hawaii, but gosh it looks amazing. And then there is your gorgeous you think you all could be any more good looking? Seriously - what an awesome family you have! I miss you guys and am so sad you aren't coming to Maryland/DC, but hope to reconnect again sometime! HUGS!