Sunday, September 14, 2008

*{Sweet Home Alabama}*

Well hello ya'all!!!

I am long overdue in this post! However, we have been the traveling clan the past few weeks. When I last left you, my husband and I were on our way to Texas to shoot a wedding...which was *spectacular*. Everything a wedding should be and more. I can't wait to blog the wedding, and it will be the next posting!!! I PROMISE! So we flew to TX for the wedding and then flew home to have packers at our house 36hrs later!

All of our stuff was loaded up and we started our adventure out to Alabama. And we made the trip in true Ocampo style...Washington State to Alabama in 4 DAYS!!! YES...and mind you, that was with two kids (ages 4 and 3) and two cats! We tore across the United States so we could get to our temporary place in Alabama. We are now holding up fort in an apartment for the next few months. Looks like I will take off to CA in November to get our new home established there...where we will at least be for a couple years. So tell all your So Cal friends and family that I will be setting up shop there! I can't wait for all the new things I will roll out with my business when we arrive in Cali. You will have to wait and see!!

Even though we really didn't mess around on the road coming out to Alabama, we did manage to stop and see Mount Rushmore. A matter of fact, here is a pic of our family at the monument. It was a blast and a first for the hubby and the kiddos. They must teach more in preschool now-a-days because as we walked up to the monument, our 4 year old said, "Mommy, there is George Washington!" I wonder if all the adults looking at the monument knew one of the four were George Washington!!?!! :)

So here is a pic to soothe your appetite while I start editing the wedding. And yes, you will notice I *hacked* my hair off!!! At least a solid foot...and it went to the Locks of Love program. Little Mykaela and I both donated hair this summer to that great charity! So I have my fancy inverted bob haircut for the time being...but I'm sure I will get the urge to grow it out long again.

Enjoy the pic and the next post will be all about the great state of Texas. I *love* that state...and we really want to live there one day. I think somehow we have Texas in our blood!

Until next time,


Trina Scanapico said...

Glad to hear that you arrived there safely! I'm spreading the Michelle O word to all the S. Cali gals on my mommy boards! Miss you and thank you sooooooo much for all my beautiful pictures and help learning photography. *hugs*

Michelle O said...

Thanks Trina!!! You're so sweet! Keep in touch...and if you have any questions, always feel free to shoot me an email! Give a hug to the little man for me!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your new hair styles and miss seeing you here. Thinking of you,