Thursday, July 1, 2010

*{Waterstop King}* Temecula Corporate Headshot Photographer

Yes, he is the Waterstop King!

I had the pleasure of doing some corporate headshots for Mr. Poole this past weekend. His company, JP Specialties, Inc. is doing amazing things to prevent the type of catastrophic events you are seeing in the Gulf right now, but on land. Their company focus is the containment of on-land hazardous waste spills. In going through Mr. Poole's blog, I found an interesting article written by him regarding the regulations for land vs. water containment of hazardous waste--specifically regarding the recent B.P. oil spill in the Gulf. So head on over to his blog and check out his June 3rd is quite interesting.

Mr. Poole will be speaking at the Temecula Library on August 21st. Here is the information regarding the event. If you are interested in the local Temecula water and how the larger scope of our water affects you, I encourage you to check it out.

Thanks again for allowing me to be of service to you, and keep up the amazing work!

Stay Extraordinary,

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