Thursday, May 6, 2010

*{Good Times}* Fort Irwin CA Familiy Photographer

I can't tell you how much this family makes my heart sing! I've had a couple of opportunities to work with this family this past year and they NEVER disappoint! They are so much fun to work with...85% of the session they are usually wrestling around playing together and sometimes I catch myself laughing so hard I have to focus so I can get the shot!! And the expressions on their son's face when they love on him are is evident he knows he is loved.

I am going to miss you all SO much as you move on and continue your journey. We will have to make it a point to meet up again because you all are too darn cute together that my camera will definitely go through withdrawls of seeing your lovely faces! :)

Enjoy the glimpse into your gallery! And hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day!
Be Extraordinary,
Michelle ;)

*The background on some of these shots...on their booking form, Mrs. H mentioned that Noah loves Origami. So I had to find these cool paper cranes made of old atlas pages and incorporate them into his shoot somehow!

The "tough" guys of the house!

Noah and dad...

And check out these eyelashes! You are so stinkin' cute Noah!
Love this shot...
And the love just oozes out...

1 comment:

D. Colter said...

You have captured one of my favorite families absolutely BEAUTIFULLY!!! Love it.