Monday, October 11, 2010

*{Daddy and the D-Word}*

So it's not a big secret...most of my readers know we are a military family. It's the path we've chosen for our family. It's a complete lifestyle, not just a job. But it's one that we wouldn't trade for really anything. We move every 2-3 years...which just boggles some people's minds. To us, it's normal, and do I dare say...FUN! To me, I'm itching to move someplace new after a year and a half at each duty matter how much I love it there! We've been so blessed to live all over our country...places we would have never imagined. We are a proud military family and love this life.

And just like ANY job out there, there are pros and cons. We knew it was about husband had been home for a couple of years. Yes, the D-Word was upon us...another deployment. We did not receive much notice this was like ripping the band-aid off and just getting this over with! However, it is the first deployment where our girls really have a sense of what a deployment means.

Telling the girls...YUCK. Little Miss Sunshine took it all in and wanted to see on the map where daddy was going. When I asked her how she felt about all of it, her 6 year old response was, "I'm sad daddy has to leave, but I'm happy he gets to help the people." Now if that doesn't melt your heart, I just don't know what will! And our Itsy Bitsy seemed confused and went into some tears knowing she was going to miss daddy and this wasn't the typical business trip.

So the kiddos' ONE AND ONLY request...they wanted a photo shoot with daddy. They were very serious about this request and they were going to make sure we didn't forget! So the night before daddy deployed, we took the kiddos to the baseball field near our home and captured them playing around together. The girls said they wanted pictures so they could see daddy's silly face! And in the first picture, I'm sure you can see what they are talking about...I can just hear him, "THE CLAW!"

Here is just a handful of what we captured that night...

And here is something fun for you all that I put together...if you are military, I hope you get a laugh relating to this!

TOP TEN: You know you're going through a deployment when-
1. Your child hears what they DON'T want to hear, and immediately starts to cry, "I want daddy."
2. Trash days are key! You count them down...every week when you roll those trash cans out, you think to yourself, "one more down!" Followed by, "the husband should be doing this!"
3. No fighting for the remote at night. My nights have been filled with Gossip Girl, Sex and the City, Keeping up with the Kardashians...and not once have I watched Myth Busters!
4. When you shower, your cell phone is on the counter in the bathroom. And at least once every couple of months you swear you hear the phone ringing mid-shower and turn the water off promptly with shampoo in your hair, just to realize you were imagining things!
5. Weekends mean NOTHING. 'nuff said.
6. Retail therapy is a valid excuse (by the way, you'd love the new Anthropologie lamp shade I just bought)!
7. Laundry is seriously cut in half!
8. Cereal for dinner is completely acceptable when feeding myself and two kids!
9. If we are at a restaurant and one kid needs to use the restroom, ALL three of us need to leave the table to go to the restroom. I'm always afraid the waiter will think we're bailing on a check and leaving the restaurant.
10. You daydream about the vacation you will take when your loved one is home again.

Feel free to add to the Top Ten list in the comments!

Until then,
Stay Extraordinary...


Debra said...

No. 1. 'Nuff said! This happens at least daily with us, usually at bedtime when the younger one is fighting sleep.

Oh, and I'd also throw in, "your kids know what Skype is and how to use it." My youngest always corrects a TV show when they don't say "Skype." "Sheesh, don't they know what it is?"

Gorgeous pictures, by the way.

Michelle O said...

HA! So true Debra!! Every night before bed Little Miss Sunshine is asking me to see if daddy's on Skype! Now seriously, what kids that young know what Skype is and how to answer the incoming calls!?! ;)

jen said...

AWWWWW.....NOT being a military family I can't even imagine how hard it is - for ALL of you! It actually makes me cry a bit to think of all of you - missing each other every day....Can't wait to see you NEXT WEEKEND!!!!! Don't make me cry!!

Josh said...

Much love to you and your wonderful family. I'm praying for a safe return so you all can shower him with plenty of hugs.

Anonymous said...

Seriously this post made me teary eyed Michelle!!! I can't imagine how much you must cherish these pictures! I am praying he has a quick return to reunite with you girls! I am here for you girlie ;)

Kathi C said...

Wow, I love your family:) Such beautiful, fun and spirited family pics, Michelle. Love the silly faces. And, your list, while not being a military family, my husband used to be out of the country for 2 weeks at a time every stinkin' month when my kids were little. I can relate to that list. You make it all seem kind of fun. Love that about you. Looking forward to meeting you next week!

erinlitteral said...

Just read this.. I'm teary.. LOVE these pictures. So precious. What a special Daddy those two have.. I think of you guys so often. I wish we were a little bit closer for park time and dinners. I would love to give you a night off too and the girls would love to have M&M here to play. You are such a wonderful example on how to approach life's obstacles like the D word. Let me know if you ever need anything. God Bless your sweet family AND Ryan. Love you !! Erin

Skeller said...

Michelle -
these are heart-meltingly wonderful. full of love. full of giggles. now we just need your girls to grow their fingers long enough that they can turn the camera on you and catch your smiles and laughter!
your family has all my family's respect. May God watch over and keep your husband safe as he serves ...

Mom on the Move! said...

You made me tear up!

Let's see - #1 is the most gut wrenching and frustrating thing in the WORLD!

To add our tops - when your five year old says takes out the phone to take a picture and then asks you to email it to Daddy. Seriously - do other kids do this??? And Daddy Chocolate! Every night is one mini Reeces cup and a heart on the calendar. It's been a great way to help B *SEE* time passing. When hubby left for R&R there was much discussion about filling back up the Daddy Chocolate jar. And we the end is close, you can do a bit of counting down.

Here's hoping your RLBT (ridiculusly long buisness trip) flys by!

Anonymous said...

So true!!! We're gearing up for deployment ourselves. I have one thing to add:

Pajamas are for morning, noon, and night.

Anonymous said...

MICHELLE! (this is sara) I relate to EVERY SINGLE word you if I wrote it myself! the "i want daddy" crying, the trash, weekends, blah, lonely nights....but free tv time!....dreaming of the vacation! I actually wrote Damon an email last night. Things have been going well on my end....but, last night, I had that LONELY feeling in my room..wishing he was waiting for me in the living room when I walked out! I started dreaming of just ONE NIGHT in a hotel or somewhere dreamy! I, too, have the cell phone EVERYwhere. I even have a clip so it clips to my jeans! Yes, the bathroom floor, the bathroom probably is FULL of nice germs. OH Michelle, this post warmed my heart and made me realize, once again, what a FAMILY we have in the military because we all "get it" and KNOW what the other is going through. And need I say those pictures bring tears to my eyes? You have a handsome man and some BEAUTIFUL girls! I hope you are doing well and this encouraged me today! LOVE YOU!

McLain said...

Okay okay...#1, #3, #6, #7...actually all of them!!!!

LOVE the images...such a beautiful family you have!!! I love that your girls ASKED for a photo shoot...I dream of my girls asking one day, instead of running, lol :)

Anonymous said...

So sweet, Michelle. your family is amazing. my prayers are with you :)


Robin Fisher said...

Michelle, Popcorn is a completely acceptable dinner when your husband in deployed :)

Ruth said...

Michelle- Loved the photo shoot of your girls and the special Man in their life. How sweet that they wanted a fun time to remember before Daddy left. And I agree with all of your Top 10 list. Jessica said she read it and it reminded her of us! Based on the other comments, many of us military families go thru lots of those same things. Hope this deployment goes quickly for you :)Will keep your family in our prayers. Ruth Yost

Anonymous said...

11. Thursday night becomes your favorite part of the week because of your standing date to watch Grey's Anatomy with one of your favorite people in the entire world!