Let me preface this post with, "What did I get myself into?!" OH MY GOODNESS! I did not think committing to one self-portrait a month would intimidate me so much! However, I spun wheels today while getting my "boots" shot for all of you for my January self-portrait. I don't know what I'm going to do for the next 11 months. I think I may have to drag the hubby or the kids in the portraits with me. What is funny about it is the fact that I am not shy in front of the camera!! I'm not gonna lie! I think it is actually fun being in front of SOMEONE ELSE'S camera!! But there is this whole awkwardness of a self portrait...trying to get the focus (when no one is in the frame to focus on because you are behind the camera), then setting the timer, to then run in the picture, and the most awkward moment of all...the camera is clicking down the seconds and I'm trying to figure out what emotion I want to portray on my face! Pure weirdness!!! I would feel MUCH more comfortable being in front of another photographer's lens! But I guess I'm going to have to get over it because I have 11 more to go!
However, I am easing myself into this whole world of awkward self-portraits by simply focusing on my feet this month. Actually, more so the BOOTS that are on my feet!! As you know, I posted in November a fabulous pair of boots that caught my attention, and I could not get them out of my mind. However, I was not very smitten of the price tag. So I kept hesitating to click the "Purchase Now" button. My lovely husband even wanted to buy them for me!! And something inside me was just saying no...even as much as I loved them and even with all the countless outfits I was pairing together with them! And now I know why...
I ventured over to the Steve Madden site and found them. Okay, so they aren't "Frye", but if you look at my old post and look at these suckers, there is no way you see a $400+ price difference!! It just about blew my mind! So good 'ole Mr. Madden, thank you for this fabulous find...and the good news is I got them on clearance for $69! SERIOUSLY!!! OMGosh...all leather!! And for the record I love them. And I'd like to thank my gut-feeling for making me hold off...because look at these...
I promise to show more of me next month!! I need to ease myself into this project...
I just had to go ahead and post this fun session from last weekend. I had the opportunity to do a generational photo shoot, and those kind of shoots are always special to my heart. I'm so glad they took advantage of having all the family together to capture some photographs they can cherish forever. I would give so many things to have a shoot like this with my great grandparents...Little Mr. Tyler will feel so blessed to have these images to look back on as an adult. I just can't emphasize the importance of a generational family photo shoot if you have the opportunity.
We had 4 generations represented! And after we took those images, little Tyler and I snagged his mommy and daddy to get some fun family pictures of their day at the beach. And like I've said before, I'm in love with the beach in the winter time! And thank God we live in CA where we can take advantage of the gorgeous beaches...and I think La Jolla has to be my favorite!
So here are just a few of my favorites from the day...it was so hard to narrow it down, so you will just have to watch the slideshow at the end of the post to see what I mean! LOVE great-grandpa snuggling up on Mr. Tyler! All 4 generations represented...this makes my heart sing! And the patriarch himself... ;)
And you can't miss the slideshow... ;)
Thanks for such a fabulous day...and my hope is you treasure the images forever! -m
Yes, it was that bad. Never in a million years did I ever think when I picked up the first Twilight saga book to read, that I would virtually fall off the radar as bad as I did. My mind has been in Forks, WA for the past week and a half! It all started with a simple Facebook post, "I guess I'll watch this Twilight movie and see what all the rage is about." And with that...20+comments...my wall blew up! Basically everyone said, "You've GOT to read the books first! They are so much better!" And with that, I turned to page one and never looked back!
People, it got so bad I actually had friends sending me messages saying they missed me and was wondering where I'd been. Even calling me a Facebook widow! I.COULD.NOT.STOP.READING! My husband claims I only took three breaks...#1) a photo shoot #2) to force him to watch the Twilight movie with me #3) when I drug him to a 9:55pm showing of New Moon this past weekend. And I must admit, he isn't too far from the truth! And thank you my love for not divorcing me in the process...I think my addiction is under control now that I have finished book four.
Now as a disclaimer, I am not THAT big of a reader. I pretty much stick to my business books that I like to read and keep the fiction stuff for the movies! But these four books rocked my world and showed me that I actually CAN enjoy reading fiction!
So my favorite in the series was Breaking Dawn...LOVED IT. And for the record, I don't know how they can put everything that happened in that book in only a 2 hour movie. I hope they don't cut a ton out, because it was all just way too fabulous. My next favorite was New Moon. But I did love them all for different reasons!
The TEAM EDWARD VS TEAM JACOB debate: Oh wow...where do I start! I never knew how passionate people were about Twilight until I started bringing up topics on Facebook! And for the record, I do have to say I am TEAM EDWARD. My husband claims it is because I like the bad boy. I argued back that I felt Jacob was more of a "bad boy" than Edward was! Edward left her because he wanted to protect her!! I have a feeling a lot of people switched to Team Jacob after watching New Moon...I get it, Taylor Lautner half naked with no shirt on for 2 hours could persuade many to switch teams to the dogs. But you obviously have not seen the FABULOUS Vanity Fair spread of Robert Pattinson...HANDS DOWN TEAM EDWARD...case closed!! And it's not just for the looks that I'm Team Edward...so don't give me grief for that! He and Bella just had to be together...there was no other way around it.
And to solve this debate once and for all...here is a funny SNL skit that a friend sent me! I got a pretty good laugh out of it. Enjoy it here!
So now that life must move forward, I am off to clean this house that has been so neglected! And you will start to see more of me in the blogging world.
And yes. If you haven't read it, it was THAT good!! Trust me, I was skeptical! I always thought to myself, "I don't understand how people can be that taken by reading about vampires and werewolves." But now I get it. And I'm looking for a Twilight addiction group!
So I just had to leave you with a good laugh for your Friday evening...I saw this in the parking lot of a local school as I was waiting for clients to show up. And I about died when I saw this. I mean, if you are going to put this in a school parking lot of all places, *at least* spray-paint the "N" the correct way. And shame on the Principal for not having them correct it!!
So this blog post is long overdue...but technically it is just a display of self-control! And you will see why.
In November, I had the opportunity to attend the Jasmine Star Workshop ...after logging into Paypal as fast as I could so it wouldn't be sold out by the time I clicked "buy now"! Anyways, it was a fabulous experience. Would you expect anything different from Jasmine Star?! She is the branding queen. If you want a workshop on hardcore branding, GO. If you want to learn how to shoot your camera, this isn't the workshop for you. But it was *just* what I had been looking for as far as a branding seminar is concerned. I want to push my business forward to that next level. And I'm glad I went. And for all of you wondering if Jasmine is as true and real as she appears to be on her blog? The answer is YES YES YES! Honestly, what made the workshop that even *that* much better, is the fact that Jasmine and J.D. (and mama) were so incredibly kind, warm, inviting people...not to mention HUMBLE. Who wouldn't want to learn from people like that, right?! I think the whole room felt like one big family for the day! So thank you Jasmine for taking the time to be real and share your knowledge as it relates to our industry.
Towards the end of the workshop, we all had an opportunity to watch Jasmine shoot. She does a outstanding job directing her clients and showing them *exactly* where she wants them.
Now this is where I displayed some serious self-control. I told myself I wasn't going to touch one of these gorgeous shots until after ever client image was edited for the year! And for the first time possibly, my will-power won!! I waited...even though I saw that magical file on my desktop every day labeled "Jasmine *"! And for all you photogs, I made a commitment to myself that I would not shoot over 2.0. And I am now in love with any aperture under 2.0!
Our gorgeous models for the day were the precious Ashley Rose and her husband. And check out how gorgeous they look together...
So without further ado, here is some eye candy for ya! These were my favorites from the day...
Dress: Vera Wang Makeup and Hair: The super talented Vivian Tran of All Made Up Floral Pieces: By the fabulous artist Lauryl Lane
Thanks for a fabulous day, and I hope our paths cross again! -m
So I'm not much of a girl for making a New Year's resolution, because I am not someone that likes to fail! So why would I *ever* say I was going to take a few pounds off or become this newfound person if that just wasn't in my future for the year, right?! But I *am* all about setting goals for my business. So on that note, I'm going to put just a few things out there that I hope to accomplish this year, and we will see how I do. And being the realistic person that I am, it probably won't be too crazy (I have to supress the dreamer inside of me)...let's keep things real, right?!
SO...here are a few resolutions for the next year: (hold me to it folks!)
1. Post a self-portrait once a month. This is huge for me...it's not necessarily the easiest thing to do people! 2. Blog more. 3. Rebrand/Get a custom blog...oh yes people...I'm thinking "go big or go home!" 4. Do a major production shoot that makes my heart sing! Conceptualize and style the whole nine yards! 5. Shoot with other photographers to have some fun and expand our creative minds...anyone game?!
*WHEN* I accomplish these things this year, I will feel simply fabulous about the direction I am going. And now that I put this out there, what are you hoping for either as a resolution or a goal for this next year? That way I can hold YOU to it!!!
And on that note, now that I put this out there...I can't leave you without a picture or two! So here is are a couple of shots from one of my last sessions in 2009. This family was super-fabulous and the boys were hysterical! And these pictures of daddy with his boys just make me smile! I love it when I can "hear" an image...don't you?!
All photos are property of Michelle Ocampo. Please do not copy or use any photos without written permission. Not to mention...stealing is just COMPLETELY uncool.
Michelle Ocampo is a California Fine Art Portrait Photographer serving the Temecula and Fort Irwin, CA regions. Temecula Photographer, Michelle Ocampo, photographs families and weddings. If you are in the Southern California area and interested in a session, please go to my website and contact me!