Wednesday, January 6, 2010

*{New Year Resolutions}*

So I'm not much of a girl for making a New Year's resolution, because I am not someone that likes to fail! So why would I *ever* say I was going to take a few pounds off or become this newfound person if that just wasn't in my future for the year, right?! But I *am* all about setting goals for my business. So on that note, I'm going to put just a few things out there that I hope to accomplish this year, and we will see how I do. And being the realistic person that I am, it probably won't be too crazy (I have to supress the dreamer inside of me)...let's keep things real, right?! are a few resolutions for the next year: (hold me to it folks!)

1. Post a self-portrait once a month. This is huge for's not necessarily the easiest thing to do people!
2. Blog more.
3. Rebrand/Get a custom blog...oh yes people...I'm thinking "go big or go home!"
4. Do a major production shoot that makes my heart sing! Conceptualize and style the whole nine yards!
5. Shoot with other photographers to have some fun and expand our creative minds...anyone game?!

*WHEN* I accomplish these things this year, I will feel simply fabulous about the direction I am going. And now that I put this out there, what are you hoping for either as a resolution or a goal for this next year? That way I can hold YOU to it!!!

And on that note, now that I put this out there...I can't leave you without a picture or two! So here is are a couple of shots from one of my last sessions in 2009. This family was super-fabulous and the boys were hysterical! And these pictures of daddy with his boys just make me smile! I love it when I can "hear" an image...don't you?!

Until Next Time,


erinlitteral said...

Love the top photo!

Okay so I'll be tuning in for your new blog and self portraits. Oh and can't wait to see what a "major production shoot" turns out to be ;).

It's been so fun watching you grow in this...

June Lehmann said...

Fantastic pictures as always!!!!

Josh said...

I would go shooting with you if I could :(

GladysJem said...

i'll shoot with you.

i need to get my ticket/hotel for the style lab. but i'd really like to see you when i'm down there. hopefully we can work something out!
