Thursday, April 10, 2008

*{This Poor Dad}*

Can you imagine being a father of three gorgeous girls like this?! I don't think I'd sleep!! And not only are they gorgeous on the outside, but they are the sweetest girls EVER. Mom and dad definitely get a "gold star" in raising these three! So here is a little peek for you all...enjoy! And I hope to have the gallery up today (fingers crossed).

So let's start with my favorite size...the 10x20...(remember you can click the image to enlarge a tad)...
I love Miss. R rolling with laughter...
This is why dad should have some sleepless nights...
LOVE this shot...little Miss A highlighted...
Watch out...I hear Charlie's Angels are having a reunion...oh yes, they can ham it up for the camera too!

Until Next Time,



erinlitteral said...

Ahh...or you could say... "whay a lucky guy!" I'm thinking I want to go for a third girl.

Michelle O said...

Erin...just for that comment about "wanting to go for a thrid girl", Aaron will get his boy!

erinlitteral said...

and that has me shakin' in my heels! A little Lit... hmmm.