Thursday, May 15, 2008


Isn't their an old song about bubbles??! I should post a link to iTunes, but I have no clue what the song, you should know!

Anywho...just a few to show the fun we had with some bubbles last week at a park for our shoot. Little Miss G was just too precious! Here is a peek of our fun...

Love the perspective of this...
And I'd love to say this is talent, but I think "luck" would be a more accurate description! I love how I was able to focus on her through the bubble!! How cool is that?!

And don't forget to RSVP in the Cup of Michelle post below!! Can't wait to see you there and talk shop!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RSVP for Jeannette. I'd love to sit back and listen to the ideas. I have a camera I've been wanting to use (once I figure the thing out) and I'd love to hear some of your pose tricks, etc...

What a generous offer.