Monday, May 12, 2008

*{Snooping Around}*

All my clients are so funny...typically, all their friends know they have a session coming up with me, so afterward, they start stalking my client for their password so they can see the whole session! So the *R* Family was gracious enough to share their password with the world so you can "snoop around" and check out their gallery. I just loved this session!

SO...for all you curious individuals...

Go to My Site and click on "client proofs" and then type the password: zachjosh
It cracks me up because I will see ladies around town and they tell me, "Yeah, the __ Family just had a session with you so I've been going to your site and randomly guessing passwords to try to see their session!" You all know who you are!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your peek into one of my sessions!! For all of you locals...these were taken at Saltar's Point in Steilacoom. I think this beats Sunnyside Beach now as my choice location for Puget Sound shots! So if you are currently booked for Sunnyside, I may be trying to sweet talk you to do them at Saltars!




Trina Scanapico said...

What a fun family! *R* Fam...thanks for letting me snoop! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the teeth one! I love it when my first graders loose their front's so cute!

jlowe said...

Seriously Michelle - you are insanely talented! These family photos make me want to fly out to have you photograph MY family (or keep praying that you get sent to the Washington DC/Maryland area!!!)! Honestly - these are amazing - LOVE them! Hope your Mother's Day was lovely just like you!

Michelle O said...

You are way too kind jlowe!! :) Thanks for all the kudos everyone! Ta Ta for now!

Anonymous said...

Ah, they are so GREAT! I hope that "P" likes them! :) Thanks for letting us snoop. I also confess to being one of "those people" who tries to guess passwords of people I know :)