Wednesday, May 7, 2008


For all you photogs out there, there is one set of actions that I truly love using. And I am giving them a well-deserved plug here (trust me, I am the type to only plug when plugging is well deserved)! The Totally Rad Actions by the Boutwells are "like...totally amazing" (hope you heard my CA valley talk in that)! And I wanted to let you know about them because there is an amazing special going on right now...

To get $20 off the Totally Rad Action Mix, please enter coupon code totallyrad5508 and let Doug know I sent you! This coupon is good through Friday, May 9th. And if that isn't cool enough, you could win $500 in Apple gear! HOLY COW!!!!! It kills me that I already have these rad actions, because I want to be entered into the drawing!!!

But seriously, his actions have really changed the way I photoshop. And he isn't the type of photog that will just send you the actions and wish you the best of luck figuring them out! He has complete video tutorials and recipe cards on his site. How stinking awesome is that?!

Some of my favorites...just to name a few:


Green with Envy

Big Blue

Super Old School Fast (to get those vintage-y look photos)

Boutwell Magic Glasses

Warm it up Chris


And seriously, I know I could find more that I use on a regular basis and love!
So go check it out...Totally Rad will totally change your post-production!
Until next time,


Trina Scanapico said...

bummer..i only have elements...I'll have to save the link...maybe one day.. ;-)

Michelle O said...

Hey there Trina...I know your pain. I had elements at one time! Then I just had to switch so I could have more control over my curves, levels, etc. However, being a teacher, check out this site...

I know they give discounts to students and I think teachers. Photoshop CS2 is like HALF PRICE!

Trina Scanapico said...

cool....i get $300 to spend on something educational next school year...think I can tie PS in w/ my class website? I'm doing it!