Tuesday, May 27, 2008

*{EEEK...I've Been Tagged!}*

Mr. Monty...LOVED this dog!
Mr. C eating up the love!

Mr. K
Miss C and little bro K...LOVE this photo. Miss C could be a model!

Another fun game going around photog-land! Here are some fun things to get to know me better...

What was I doing 10 years ago?

Wow...let me figure this out. That would put us back in good 'ole 1998. I was attending University of California-Riverside finishing up my Bachelor's Degree in Buisness Admin with an emphasis in Marketing. I had just a couple classes to go until graduation. And I was in the midst of planning a wedding! I was also an RA in the dorms...A&I all the way (for any of you familiar with UCR)!

5 Things on my to-do list today:

1. Walk my 3 miles (my daily ritual as long as it isn't pooring down rain!) DONE

2. Edit the Fountain session. DONE

3. Mail out photo orders.

4. Take my daughter to gymnastics.

5. Go to the grocery store...it is pretty pathetic in the fridge!

Snacks I enjoy:

Okay...totally random, but when I was pregos with my oldest, I became ADDICTED to peanut butter on wheat bread with a glass of milk. It is so stinkin' yummy!

And if someone will cut it all up for me...fruit, fruit, and more fruit!

Things I would do if I were a BILLIONAIRE:

*Set up the family with a lump-sum stockpile of money and call it good.

*Buy a couple homes...one for sure in Hawaii. I've always said that if I had enough money, I'd buy a house in the southern and northern hemispheres! That way I could live in Spring/Summer year round!!

*I'd also have a house that is loft-style where the walls are brick inside. Did you see the movie, "Because I Said So", well, remember Mandy Moore's house in that movie...that is so MINE (if and when this billionaire thing comes true)! And just to clarify, it would be two levels and on one level would be the most awesome natural light loft you've ever seen for my photog stuff!

*Finance a burn clinic in an impoverished Country.

*Travel, travel, and did I mention...travel!!

Places I've lived before:






Washington State

And the list will expand soon!

And if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!!!

And because I hate checking blog posts without photos, a few photos are above to tide you over until next time. These are from a couple of different sessions from last week that I haven't yet blogged!

Until Next Time,



Josh said...

I didn't know you lived in Missouri, what part?

Michelle O said...

I attended Northeast Missouri State University (now Truman State) in the itsy bitsy town of Kirksville, MO...back in '94...my freshman year! But basically, I was a wimp and it was too far away from home! The dorms would clear out on weekends with kids going home and I found myself playing way too much solitare on the weekends. So I went back to Cali where at least "I" would have the option of going home on weekends too! But it was a great experience. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, the Fountain pics are gorgeous! I am getting nervous about my shoot...I WANT TO BE AS BEAUTIFUL AS ANNA!! (what did Beth Moore say today about comparing ourselves!!) :) smiles, Dawn

Anonymous said...

DAWN!! You did it!!! YAY :) You will be beautiful! I'm trying to figure out the Fountain password...I need to ask "A".

Michelle O said...

Dawn, YOU ARE GORGEOUS and trust me, you will be gorgeous the day of the session as well! I can't wait for it! It will be a blast! :)